Scary Stories: Tales That Will Chill You To The Bone

Scary Stories: Tales That Will Chill You To The Bone

One was at the far end of the basement away from the stairs. She turned off the light and swears she heard heavy footfalls of someone running towards her. She ran out of the house without turning out the rest of the lights and locked the door.
Over the course of her confinement, Furuta was repeatedly raped, beaten, and tortured by her four captors until they killed her. She invited her boyfriend over and his two friends came over as well. His friends left and said they were going to the movies. 3rd January was hid birthday so we all decided to call him at 12 midnight, his phone no.

One night when Morazzini was alone at the inn, she says she heard footsteps walking directly above her on the second floor. “I was just like, there is no explanation for that whatsoever. According to Morazzini, a father and son visiting the inn stepped outside the restaurant to watch the trains. After coming back inside, Morazzini overheard the father reassuring his young son that there wasn't anyone else outside — despite the son insisting he'd seen a little girl sitting beside them. They pull in anyway and find a police officer parked in the lot. They explain what happened just hours before to which the cop chuckles and replies, "Oh, you met the ghost of three."
This is especially true in recruiting, as candidates might be frustrated by an excessive number of rounds or assignments. According to Charlotte Bate, Director at MAD-HR, an HR consultancy, your “ghosts” are often just candidates snatched up by competitors while they were stuck in process. “I’ve been ghosted quite a few times as a recruiter. The most bizarre instance I can recall is a candidate I’d interviewed for an entry-level administrative position. At the interview, they were enthusiastic, professional, and seemed like a good fit for the company.

One saw a horse and rider on the drive near the lake, and both my wife and her friend are convinced they have seen a man walking about the house. On another occasion friends staying here thought they heard their two children running down the passage in the night, yet both of them were fast asleep. Other people have noticed a strong smell of flowers in the cellar.
This was the time I usually showed up and went to bed, cause I worked the graveyard shift. That’s it, I just stood there staring at the door where it fled and I’m just like… wow I really can’t believe what I just saw. In American horror movies and scary stories, there’s hardly anything about ghost monkeys. I don’t consume that kind of content… and ghost monkey?? “He was just 2 years old and with his mom running errands. She let go of his hand to pay the cashier, and he wandered away.
Unable to identify her, officials named her 'Tent Girl,' and she would be known as such for the next 30 years. She was buried in the Georgetown Cemetery, and her headstone bore that name. In 2006, a residential development began being built in the area, which probably deterred the so-called 'West Mesa Bone Collector' serial killer from continuing to use the site.

The chintzy, dirty row house they are finally given doesn’t exactly feel cozy, cold comfort against their blazing memories of escape, which included the death of their young daughter. Adjustment is hard, both in a town that doesn’t seem to want them in a world that doesn’t seem to understand them, and within their own horrific memories. Soon, these worlds and worries start to blend, as spirits (maybe?) begin to haunt their already foreboding house, beckoning them to face memories they’d rather forget. From chilling horror classics to spiritual modern indies, these ghost stories will haunt you forever. Andrew and Eddie were deeply bonded best friends until Eddie left for his graduate program at Vanderbilt, leaving Andrew behind.
Many patients signed away their whole life savings when they rushed to the Baker Cancer Hospital in hope to treat their cancer. In the hotel's basement, "Dr. Norman Baker," posing as a qualified doctor, "assessed" cancer patients. However, rumors began circulating among the locals Shocking Office Nightmares: 3 Disturbing True Stories that Norman was performing medical experiments on patients and taking the deceased patients through tunnels to a local cremation facility. Nonetheless, what is known is that 44 patients passed away at the Baker Cancer Hospital during the hospital's  20-month existence.

It is a shadowy figure, right at his peripheral vision, this feeling of dread and uneasiness washed over my brother. We had been taught that if you are in the presence of a spirit or ghost and you felt a bad vibe, to say quick prayer or to cuss at it. My brother chose the latter, he basically just told it "hey fuck you, I don't have time for this shit". Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. I had a roommate who was always a complete asshole.
It was the home of a Quaker man named Dan Cowgill. When Cowgill owned the spot, it was a stop on the Underground Railroad. One night, a group of slave raiders came to the mansion. As they were chased away, one caught himself in a tree and hanged until his death. "A close family friend had been in a coma for a few weeks before his  death and wasn't allowed visitors (not sure if that was his family's choice or the hospital's policy." "We were taking a tour of the battleship Massachusetts in Falls River for my girlfriend's 30th birthday."
In the morning she discovered her boyfriend hanging upside-down from a tree and his fingernails trailing on the metal. In another tale, a couple in a car heard a radio report of an escaped murderer with a hook for a right hand. The girl noticed a strange sound outside the car, and when she opened the door, a hook was hanging from the handle. Locals also talk of fireballs erupting from thickets and a six-fingered sea captain who killed his adulterous wife and bastard child in the forest. I worked as an in-house Graphic Artist for a cosmetics company. During the day the office was normally busy and full of people.